public health departments
Learn about the PRIME Data Hub
Public health departments receive SimpleReport testing data via the PRIME Data Hub. The Data Hub is a free and open-sourced data platform that makes it easier for testing facilities to send their COVID-19 rapid test data to public health departments.
There are three main reasons for public health departments to use the Data Hub:
- You’ll receive data from SimpleReport. If your jurisdiction wants to receive point-of-care tests results from SimpleReport, you’ll need to build an integration with the Data Hub.
- You’ll have to support fewer connections. The Data Hub’s model focuses on aggregating data from multiple sources and senders, which you’ll receive together in a single feed.
- You’ll get more complete, timely data. The Data Hub validates data from its senders and transfers it to you at your preferred frequency and in your preferred format.
To let testing facilities in your jurisdiction send you data through SimpleReport, you need to connect to the Data Hub. Here’s a guide to walk you through the process: